slider Acció Catalonia Experience 2021

Acció Catalonia Experience 2021

Acció, public agency for the competitiveness of Catalan companies, launches its Catalonia Experience 2021¨ and for this it has dissimility as a partner agency.

The main objective is to accelerate the reinvention of the business models of companies and startups to adapt them to the disruption caused by new technologies, pandemics and climate change.

To this end, we designed a digital environment conceived as a powerful 360º communication tool that represented a new communication model.

To this end, we designed a digital environment conceived as a powerful 360º communication tool that represented a new communication model. Based on the concept of technological transformation, we designed a balanced and innovative event, capable of associating the agency with something that Acció has imprinted in its DNA: its future values linked to the good use of technology and its truly disruptive way of impacting society.

The continent, a 360º stage conceived as a large global window open to the world, and our digital platform has been the nerve center of the entire production and multichannel broadcast, creating an environment for meeting and interaction between speakers and audience.

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