AECOC: 20th HORECA Congress

AECOC held its 20th Congress of the HORECA sector and once again entrusted us with the management of the event.

This sector has not stopped growing and transforming in recent years, as the claim of the congress states: “Unstoppable”. More than 450 professionals attended two days of lectures by 25 speakers, activities and networking spaces.

We managed the entire production of the meeting, including the creation of content and the design of an impressive scenography. By combining the use of projections, lights and two 3 meter LED pentagons, we were able to create a WOW effect that surprised the guests as they crossed the doors leading into the auditorium.

The game of lighting on the stage surprised us at each change of presentation, following the corporate color scheme associated with each brand.

An atmosphere with summer colors and sounds was created: garlands, food stalls and careful lighting for the closing of the first day and with the presence of DJ Crazy Mama to put the energy to the evening.

A key meeting for a sector that is constantly reinventing itself and which we all enjoy.

Personnel involved
Hours worked